Download the Roamly International Calling App to enjoy cheap international calls directly from your mobile. Receive 0.10 free credit when you download to get started straight away. Our app is a great alternative to traditional international calling cards. Try our free calling app and keep in touch with your family and friends abroad through high-quality voice calls.
It has never been easier to stay in touch with friends and family around the world.
Here’s what you’ll get with Roamly international calls
Cheap International Calls
+ Enjoy high quality and reliable voice calls
+ Save on your international calls vs. what your mobile carrier may charge
+ Low cost calls to more than 20 countries near you or overseas including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, philipines, Nepal, Indonesia, Srilanka, China and many more!
+ Reach Mobile or Landline numbers
+ Download the app to find the calling rates for each country
Additional Features
+ Earn 0.10 credit when you sign up – Use it for your first call to a mobile or landline number
+ Easy to use; syncs with contacts and you’re ready to go.
+ transfer roamly credits to your friends and families.
+add your favorite contacts in app home screen to make the call within a couple of touches.
+supports other sip dialers also with the credentials using in roamly.
+load credit with top up vouchers.
Compare our rates, they will take your breath away. Calling relatives in India, Pakistan or somewhere else? We provide the best rates for cheap international calls for more than 200 countries worldwide.
With Roamly International Calling you can stay in touch with friends and family overseas no matter what device they use. Simply add funds easily and safely through our top up vouchers.
Try the app today and see why millions of people worldwide love using Roamly international calls.
**WARNING: using roamly international calls as a default dialer may interfere with dialing 911 emergency services.
+赚取0.10信用卡当您注册 - 使用它为您的第一个电话到移动或固定电话号码